The drum begin to beat
Faster by each moment
Surrounded by this unbearable heat
I run in sight of my future triumph
Time plagues me
As i dash over logs, bushes and rocks
Each breath that leaves my body
I could feel my will lock
My heart is the only thing that keeps me going
My body is weak
But my passion is forever flowing
No matter the tear that my body must endure
My heart keeps beating
For victory is what it longs for...
Thirst, pain, heat or deprival of sleep
Won't hold me back as i race forward
Even time can't compete
With my glorious reward
As if my body and heart became one
My ailments retreat
Leaving me feeling as though i am flying
Time continues to try to make me a fool
But i grin as the sun fades
That time has forgotten one rule
Even with its feeble baricade
I will always defeat it every time
For even though its currents and forces are strong
My will and determination are stronger
Also as long as passion and desire rings through me like a never ending song
I will die and fade away never
For i will defeat death as well
For i will live forever.